We're starting a #MakeALawForJamey Video-Project, to support Lady GaGa fighting against bullying. We're sure you've heard about the death of Jamey Rodemeyer, a Little Monster, which committed suicide because of bullying. It's a must for our generation to fight against bullying. I mean what's wrong with being gay, lesbian or transgendered. Shouldn't it be insignificant which sexual orientation somebody has? Or how someone looks like? Lady GaGa is fighting for a new law. A law that makes bullying illegal and we think we should support her, because it could affect all of us.
If you're the same opinion, if you're brave enough to fight and support Lady GaGa, make a video. Talk about your expierences with bullying, your feelings, or anything else you'd like to tell the world about your thoughts of a law against bullying. You can also send us a photo of you, with a paw + a sentence against bullying, for example.
If we'll get enough videos, we'll put them together and upload it on Youtube.
Maybe we're lucky enough and Lady GaGa will see the video, but the most important thing is that we at least try to change something.
So if you're willing to help, please send the videos as fast as you can to the following e-mail adress: wuermers@hotmail.com
If you got questions or something else to say, you can contact us any time by leaving a comment,
or tweet us at Twitter: GaGaJess / Malick_Monster :)
Tell your friends about the project, spread the link on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr.
Mother Monster would be so proud of us. ♥
Deadline: 09/28/11